Sunday, 21 April 2013

Rent Plastic Boomerang Boxes For Your Move

Anyone who has moved recently will know that it involves a lot of cardboard boxes, and what happens to these at the end of the day? Invariably they get trashed, thrown away, and wind up in landfills where they rot and produce greenhouse gases. Here we introduce you to the concept of recycled plastic boxes as an alternative storage and moving solution.

Recycled plastic products are the future.

As the world becomes more eco-conscious due to growing awareness of what ingredients go into the products they are buying and using and the impact it has on the environment, there are companies popping up all over the place to provide what aren’t necessarily new services but ones with a different angle, and the angle is that they are green and a friend to the environment. This is good news for the earth and its population as it offers consumers a lot more choice in the range of green products and services available.

 One area that can be confusing is the paper and cardboard versus plastic issue. It’s commonly known that paper products are better to buy as they are bio-degradable, whilst plastics play a large part in the ruin of the world’s marine life, can cause injury and more to its wildlife, and threatens the wellbeing of its people. Ask most consumers whether paper or plastic is more environmentally friendly and they will opt for paper, however in the long run it can be a better option to go for plastic products.

Let’s take a closer look at the case of cardboard boxes versus plastic ones for instance. Most people go out and buy new cardboard boxes for their moving and packing needs. Once the move is over what do they then do with all these cardboard boxes? Some might be saved for future use, or used for storing other items around the office or home. Generally however people throw them away on the basis that it’s ok because they are biodegradable.

To get a clearer picture you have to look at it long-term, there are lots of trees cut down to produce paper and this requires a considerable quantity of energy. Then there are the fantastic amounts of power needed to crush it up into small fibres, mix up the wood pulp and pass it through rollers in order to get the end product of paper.

Paper and cardboard also generate a lot more greenhouse gases than plastic as they tend to end their days in landfills where they are left to decompose anaerobically and produce the greenhouse gas methane whilst doing so.

The advantages of packing boxes made from recycled plastic are that they don't decompose and are a lot more reusable than paper products, and the carbon cost of recycled plastic over the period of time they last is much less too.

One company that realised the potential for being green in the storage industry is Boomerang Box, a service that rents out packing boxes for customers who are moving premises. But these aren’t any regular cardboard boxes that get damaged and broken, wet or torn, or thrown away to wind up decomposing in a landfill. These are industrial-strength plastic storage boxes that last a long long time, involve no deforestation, and are passed from one customer to the next at very little cost.

Boomerang Box is a great name for the company as just like the Australian curved stick they return to their original owners once they’ve had their use. Throw a boomerang in the correct manner and it will return to you, send out a boomerang box and eventually it’ll come back too!

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